Word Verification...Accessibility...

Spamming necessitates the temporary use of "captchas," which are more commonly known as "word verification." The childhood act of spamming leads me to take this action temporarily.

I am well aware, and saddened by the fact, that while captchas filter out--thwart--spammers, they also make the act of making comments impossible for individuals who use screen readers.

Be assured, I am working to rectify that situation.

Friday, August 5, 2011

A Huge Difference Between Understanding and Acceptance

    "Your cerebral palsy accelerates your aging process.  Do you understand?"
     I was in a fog.  Sitting in an opulent hotel suite celebrating a family wedding, I was in a fog.  It never occurred to me that I could do anything but push my body as hard as I had been doing.
     Delusions of having some modicum of smarts were shattered.  The notion of there being alternatives to pushing my body beyond her limits destroyed.
     Long-term disability? SSDI?
     I knew the intellectual meaning of both.  Or so I thought.
     Long-term disability...LTD to some....
Long-term disability insurance would allow me to retain a significant percentage of my income should I become unable to work due to a disability.  Long-term disability insurance was offered for a pittance.  Quietly, I purchased the policy.  Saying little to many, it seemed remote, yet, more likely for me than others, that my disabilities might be amplified--they might deafen my cries to work.
     I could not conceive what it might be--how it might look--that I would be unable to work.  After all, I was stronger--I was more stubborn--than any obstacle my cerebral palsy and epilepsy might put before me.  Or so I thought.    I closed my eyes, and opted to buy the insurance.  It offered peace of mind.
     I thought I had looked at all of the angles of how my disabilities might affect my future.  I forgot.
     My capacity to look at all of the angles, literally, was obstructed.  I forgot.  I forget.
     My right eye wanders.  You could say, I don't focus on the fact that I have little to no peripheral vision out of my right eye. Never have I had it.  My world view has been left of center.
     SSDI?  Social Security Disability Income.
     SSDI was beyond me--completely beyond me.  I knew the words, "Social Security Disability Income." Yet, SSDI was something other people were on--something other people received.
     I was in a fog.
     "Your cerebral palsy accelerates your aging process.  Do you understand?"
     "Yes, I understand.  But, there is a huge difference between understanding it, and accepting it."
     I was in a fog.  For the moment, I was sinking into a comfortable sofa, I was enveloped by loving family.
     I was numb.  My family stunned silent.  Together we sat, trying to absorb a future radically different from what we imagined--a future different for all of us as a family.
      "Your cerebral palsy accelerates your aging process.  Do you understand?"
     "Yes, I understand.  But, there is a huge difference between understanding it, and accepting it."

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