Word Verification...Accessibility...

Spamming necessitates the temporary use of "captchas," which are more commonly known as "word verification." The childhood act of spamming leads me to take this action temporarily.

I am well aware, and saddened by the fact, that while captchas filter out--thwart--spammers, they also make the act of making comments impossible for individuals who use screen readers.

Be assured, I am working to rectify that situation.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Stop. Listen. Negotiate. Compromise.

     I do my best to steer clear of political commentary on events of the day--events that everyone blogs about, screams about on television.  But.  I am disgusted.  I shall say my peace, sign any constructive petitions I become aware of.  Then, I shall return to the world where I am making a constructive contribution.  Catholic Church reform.  Donor research at a local museum.  Serving on a regional accessible transportation planning committee.  Proofreading print versions of braille books occasionally.
     Somehow, when I wasn't looking, my life became full, richer than I imagined possible.
     So, what engenders disgust in me?  Simple.  Congress.  The Tea Party.  The government shutdown.  The debt ceiling.
     Up until I was 40 to 45, I kept abreast of current events every day, and with great passion.
     Occasionally, I would write a letter to the editor, when I felt the issue warranted it.
     I am 53.  I have reached a point in my life, rightly or wrongly, that I want people to take responsibility for their actions.  Honestly, I am reaching the point where specific positions matter less to me than moral and ethical behavior by which every adult is called.
     Specific to Congress, and the decisions they are supposed to make, my cry is simple.
     "Whatever decision you make regarding the need for government services, I ask you to answer a question, "Do you believe that you are guaranteed that you will wake up tomorrow with the same capacities you have as you go to bed tonight?'"
     My immediate appeal regards personal health.  However, the more I think about it, the more I realize that my question goes deeper than that.
     "Do you believe that you are guaranteed that you will wake up tomorrow morning with the same economic resources that you have going to bed tonight."
     Initially, when I moderated my habits regarding news, I felt guilty.  I felt that I was not fulfilling my responsibilities as a citizen to be informed.  However, coverage of health care reform--the intensity and nature of the coverage--led me to seek refuge in calmer places.  I was faced with my own health challenges.      I could not handle the challenges presented by coverage of health care reform.
    My health challenges are manageable now--not gone, but, manageable.  Slowly I have developed a rich life in which I use my gifts, rather than taxing my body.
    To Congress--to individual decisionmakers who comprise Congress--I offer my comments.  The challenges before you well may be extremely difficult to address.  However, let me be quite clear.  Its nature as a difficult challenge does not serve as an excuse to delay or negate addressing the challenge.  As an individual, serious consequences would result from my failing to take the medication available to control my seizures, and tremors.
     To Congress--to individual decisionmakers who comprise Congress--I offer my comments.  Principles are good to have when serving in leadership positions.  Principles are the foundation of moral and ethical behavior.  But, principles cannot be substitutes for--obstacles to--engaging in negotiation.
None of us "gets our way" in this life.  Life is not perfect.
    Central to leadership are clear principles.  Listen.  Negotiate.  Listen.  Compromise.  Listen.
    Let me know when it is safe to come out from the rock--the refuge of peace--where I have put myself.