Word Verification...Accessibility...

Spamming necessitates the temporary use of "captchas," which are more commonly known as "word verification." The childhood act of spamming leads me to take this action temporarily.

I am well aware, and saddened by the fact, that while captchas filter out--thwart--spammers, they also make the act of making comments impossible for individuals who use screen readers.

Be assured, I am working to rectify that situation.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Neat Handwriting

     "Based on the handwriting, I know it is yours.  But, I have no idea what the paper says," my high school teacher said offhandedly.
     I laugh.  What else can I do?  What can I say?  I love school. I want to do well.  How hard did she try to read my handwriting? Is it just an excuse?
     I don't mean to be--I don't want to be--defensive.  But, tell me, "What constitutes neat handwriting?"
     I have had a wonderful weekend at Lake Superior.  How can I express my thanks for our time at Bluefin Bay?  A poem!  Yes, a poem.  Ode to Bluefin.
     The words flow from my mind.  While on the bus home, I craft the poem in my handwritten words.  Carefully shaped letters.  Carefully drawn between my ode's stanzas?  Hand-sketched bluefins.
     The words are written.  The bluefins sketched.  The ode complete.  My gift is ready to present to Mom.
     "Thank you for the poem.  I want you to know, I typed the poem, 'Ode to Bluefin,' and I framed it."
      I don't mean to be--I don't want to be--defensive.  But, can you tell me, "What constitutes neat handwriting?"
     Diagnosed.  Intentional tremors.  Cerebral palsy.  Diagnosed.  Long-term disability.  Certification questionnaire.
     "Itemize what you do from the time you wake up, until you go to bed at night."  "Address the envelope, and return it to our office."
     "I will type the form, so that my handwriting does not interfere in the message of my need."
     "No, complete the form in your handwriting, so that they may see your need."  Such was the essence of my family's advice.
     I don't mean to be--I don't want to be--defensive.  But, can you tell me, "What constitutes neat handwriting?"

Poster Cures

     I do not ask for cures--not for poster cures, at least.
     Poster children may raise money for research.  Research leads to cures.
     Yet, poster children play on other people's guilt.  Poster children are perched on the pinnacle of, "she is worse of than you are."
     Research is very worthwhile--it is a necessary endeavor.
     Yet, how do I reconcile poster children--their pinnacle--with the benefits they bring to research.  How can we reconcile poster children with the benefits they enable through research.
     Cures do nothing to address PAST anguish.  Cures ignore anguish of today.  I cannot seek cures at the cost of other's pain.  I may not hide between emotions of sorrow or pity.  I may not hide behind the pain others feel.
     Maybe...just maybe...if I raze the roadblocks of pity and sorrow each day, I may help another person to alleviate their pain--the pain of this day, of this moment.
     I may not hide behind "underprivileged--behind "those who are worse off than me."