Word Verification...Accessibility...

Spamming necessitates the temporary use of "captchas," which are more commonly known as "word verification." The childhood act of spamming leads me to take this action temporarily.

I am well aware, and saddened by the fact, that while captchas filter out--thwart--spammers, they also make the act of making comments impossible for individuals who use screen readers.

Be assured, I am working to rectify that situation.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Zoomer Chronicles: At War

     Zoomer is NOT happy.  Her children, if that is who they are, are at war.
   "Brainy the Blockhead started it all!" Joy proclaimed.
   "I had nothing to do with it.  Someone bumped me.  Someone hit me so hard that I landed underneath Lily Ann the Left Armrest,"  Brainy retorted.
    "Likely story.  Own up to what you did.  You elevated Lily in midair without my permission--without any warning," Joy the Joystick argued.  "You left us hanging in midair--you scared us."
     Zoomer came home so that her children could nap--be recharged.  Later, Zoomer pleaded with me to let her out.  She reminded me that she could take me where I needed to go--desperately needed to go.  So, I relented.  I warned Zoomer, and Joy the Joystick, that however we felt, we needed to beware such that Brainy would once again elevate us to peaks we had no interest in ascending.
     We completed my appointed task--almost.  The morning's frustration and fear called for one simple antidote--Breyer's Vanilla Ice Cream.  So it was to be.
    With a cold  container awaiting my spoon now in my grubby little hands, I ventured forth boldly.  The next appointed task?  A tool kit.  Brainy has a questionable amount upstairs, but with a metal screw loose, and another screw missing, it was all but a matter of time before I befell another of Brainy the Blockhead's pranks.
     Walgreens.  Honestly, my attention has been so focused on being outside, and honing my skills on outside destinations, that I had forgotten when my last time in Walgreens might have been.  The Internet has been--is an intimate of mine--a bridge from wintertime isolation to indulgence in the outdoor world.  It is not hard.  All that is required is creativity, and a strong will, not to mention a strong will not.
     But, I digress.  With glee, we--Zoomer, Joy the Joystick, Brainy the Blockhead, and I--entered the accessible door of Walgreens.  We were joined by our timid friend--Randy Andy the Right Armrest.  Timid?  Randy, timid? Yes, you see, Randy Andy suffered a broken wrist--his foam rubber split right in half--at the hands of Zoomer, who was navigating an elevated state.  After a fuschia pink tape did not offer the healing he needed, Randy Andy was subjected to surgery to re

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