Word Verification...Accessibility...

Spamming necessitates the temporary use of "captchas," which are more commonly known as "word verification." The childhood act of spamming leads me to take this action temporarily.

I am well aware, and saddened by the fact, that while captchas filter out--thwart--spammers, they also make the act of making comments impossible for individuals who use screen readers.

Be assured, I am working to rectify that situation.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

A New Career? A Work in Progress...

     A new career seems to be starting.  It is more than a new job, yet, career seems to be too grandiose of a description.  Retirement--early retirement--has never suited my prejudices of the word.  Retirement and early retirement are choices made after a full career--at a prescribed time, at an opportune time thanks to a sufficient source of living.
     Am I the only person with these experiences, thoughts, or feelings?  What are yours?
     In July 2009, my paid work life ended.  I went from a full-time-employee--an FTE--to long-term disability--LTD.  Long-term disability seemed a bit too transient a term for my tastes.  A magical cure worthy of a personal interest news feature story will not be forthcoming.  I will not be returning to the paid workforce within my lifetime.  Let's face it, that will not happen.  But, do not despair.  I am doing my part to make possible that another individual may enter the workforce:) OK, maybe not, but it was a nice try:)
     My doctor gave me the best advice I have received during the past two years.  Get up and dressed at the same time, and invest yourself in something you enjoy.  Go to it, as if it was your job.  That is what the last few years have been.
     "The next chapter will be to strengthen myself physically as much as is possible."  That is what I told my colleagues, when I left my job--that was my life's priority.  Restoring my physical strength took months.  Precious chemical balance of anticonvulsants, and holding.osteoarthritis at bay by ankle surgery.
     Concurrent with restoring my physical strength I undertook an exploration.
     As I told my colleagues, "I must discover opportunities that call upon my mind, rather than tax my physical abilities." 
    Now, I am diving into that longer range pool of opportunities--swimming at the YMCA...volunteering.  OK, so I am just getting my feet wet right now.  Yet, that is a far cry from where I have been during the past several years.
   During more than 25 years in the work world, I stayed with the employer who hired me in 1985.  Within the company, I did the jobs that I was given.  Early on, I begged for a position more befitting my abilities--my potential.  Yet, it took years to get to any such position--longer than it should have--longer than it did for my colleagues.  However, I never dared step out and risk securing more fulfilling work, for fear that my disabilities--the cover of my book, in a publishing company--would work against me in demonstrating my capacities to fulfill the assigned responsibilities.  Was I right or wrong to act as I did?  I wonder.  Yet, I cannot torture myself with that wondering.
     Somehow, always I sensed that I would not retire from my job at the prescribed time.  I knew it was extremely unlikely that I would take the risk necessary to find more fulfilling work.  My sense about my retirement was accurate.  Yet, I did not see how it would come to be.
     I am feeling very blessed presently.   No longer do I work in the fast-paced, tension-filled corporate world.  I have had surgery to ameliorate bone spurs--osteoarthritis, and now, I can get out into the real world without fearing harm is being done to my right ankle, thanks to Zoomer.  I love surprises.

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