Word Verification...Accessibility...

Spamming necessitates the temporary use of "captchas," which are more commonly known as "word verification." The childhood act of spamming leads me to take this action temporarily.

I am well aware, and saddened by the fact, that while captchas filter out--thwart--spammers, they also make the act of making comments impossible for individuals who use screen readers.

Be assured, I am working to rectify that situation.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Zoomer Chronicles: Brainy the Blockhead

     Zoomer and I are continuing to become acquainted.  It seems longer than about three weeks, since we met.    
     Doors, and elevators are my challenges.  The real challenge is tight spaces, and trying not to jam a control box on my left arm rest into a wall, or doorway.
     Never having driven a car before, I am still trying to learn how--in what direction--to turn my joystick, in order to avoid crashing into doorways, or elevators.
     The control box needs a name.  It needs a gender.  The only way to surmount the challenge of The Control Box is to give It a name.  The Control Box is not an It.  The Control Box is a He.  The Control Box is hardly a name given to a male being.  The long-form birth certificate of The Control Box was issued on April 14, 2011--the date I adopted him.   The Control Box needs a strong name.  Thus, I have named The Control Box as Brainy Blockhead.  I want him to know he has a bright future, yet, he has a lot to learn.  Brainy has a lot of say over how I travel, yet, he is far from a veteran driver.  He and I have been issued our learner's permits, and we pray that we kill now one due to our inexperience.  
     The real challenge of tight spaces is Mr. Blockhead.  He protrudes from my left armrest just shy of my left elbow.  Brainy contains levers that control elevating, and reclining the chair, and leg rests.  Brainy will allow me to do a tremendous amount.  Someday.  Yet, Brainy has a lot of bravado.  Mr. Blockhead can't seem to get it through his thick skull.  I don't have the time right now to give him the attention he demands of me--his mother.
     "Watch me Mom, watch me!   Look at it.  If you put your hand on the lever on my head to the right, and I can move your leg rest up and down."
     "Brainy, I am busy right now.  I can't watch you.  I am busy right now trying to get through this door carefully, so that I don't hit you on the head, and give you a terrible headache."
     "But Mom, I can make you more comfortable.  Look at me, look at me!"
     "Brainy, I told you, I am busy."
      "Mom!  Listen to me.  Put your left hand on my lever.  Move it to the left, and I can elevate you from the ground.  That would help you, wouldn't it?"
     "OK Brainy, so you have my attention.  I have stopped.  So, now what?"
     "Mom, put your hand on Lisa the Lever.  Push her forward, and your seat will recline.  Then, push Lisa the Lever back toward you, and she will push up your back to the upright position."
     "That's nice, Brainy.  I need to talk with your sister, Joy the Joystick now.  So, you go back and be a good boy."

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