Word Verification...Accessibility...

Spamming necessitates the temporary use of "captchas," which are more commonly known as "word verification." The childhood act of spamming leads me to take this action temporarily.

I am well aware, and saddened by the fact, that while captchas filter out--thwart--spammers, they also make the act of making comments impossible for individuals who use screen readers.

Be assured, I am working to rectify that situation.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Zoomer Chronicles: Speed. Torque.

     Finessing turns, and calculating speed are key to reigning in Zoomer.  Destinations emerge.  That is my department.  Zoomer has given me four choices of speed I may travel.  OK, five.  I forget.  As my intimate, she reminds me--with Joy, I may turn on Zoomer.   I forget.  If Zoomer takes advantage of me--of our partnership--I may simply turn off her reckless abuse of me.
    Speed choices.  Having never before driven, I do not know whether the speed range 1-4 options equal gears used on a manual car.  My formal instruction was minimal.  If memory serves me, the overall potential speed of Zoomer was calibrated to be slow on the speed scale--Zoomer's speed potential was calibrated before she was named.
    The overall speed of Zoomer was calibrated by the manufacturer.  It has been--it is, and it will be always--for me to calibrate the speeds 1-4 based on my confidence initially.  He advises me not to travel at  top speed--on 4.  Fear leads me to agreement.
     Torque.  Torque?  Initially, I recognized only the word--not its meaning.  The vendor told me torque is the power that speed allows me to travel.  OK, I thought.  With time, I may understand.  Words' meanings eluded me.  Traveling up hilly terrain, now I understand.  Speed.  Torque.  Calibration.  Speed.  Torque.  Success.
     My learning curve is steep by my personal expectations.  Yet, by the chronology of our partnership, we--Zoomer and I--are becoming intimate in due time.  Zoomer has the enthusiasm of a young child--an impetuous child.
     "So what if I nick a few walls, run into some basis, get caught in handicap accessible doors?  You've gotta admit, I am better with elevators."
     "Tell me, Patty.  Have I ever hurt you?  Has my "impetuousness" every caused bodily harm to you?  Has my "enthusiasm" ever hurt anyone we have met along the way???"

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