Word Verification...Accessibility...

Spamming necessitates the temporary use of "captchas," which are more commonly known as "word verification." The childhood act of spamming leads me to take this action temporarily.

I am well aware, and saddened by the fact, that while captchas filter out--thwart--spammers, they also make the act of making comments impossible for individuals who use screen readers.

Be assured, I am working to rectify that situation.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Government Services--Personal Energy Policy

     Having identified myself in prolific terms, it is important to examine the services, and regulations of government.  How does my profile affect my needs for, and views regarding government services, and regulations.
     I must confess that my views are rooted in deep fear.  I understand the need for debate regarding the organization of and support for Medicare that is imminent.  Knowledge of my own need for it next year leads me to put my head in the sand with cotton balls in my ears.  The forthcoming hyperbole makes me ill.
     I could be the audience to whom politicians will base their positions regarding Medicare.  I do not want to be a part of politicians' Medicare focus group.  I cannot deny my needs.  I will seek what I need, nothing more, and nothing less.  That is my contribution toward a picture of a balanced budget.  My contribution may not be financially balanced, but, it will be balanced in terms of medical necessity.  I purchase private insurance commensurate with my medical need, and financial affordability.
     With regard to Medicare--its future health--we need to take several actions independent of any legislative action.  We need to accept our own aging, and the corresponding needs we may have--needs that are quite likely, however unsavory they may be.
     I do not know how to arm myself further from the imminent hyperbole.  All I may do is to assert logic, reason, and insight, and pray that it resonates somewhere within decision-making bodies.
     I have strong views against military expenditures, as well as support for other government priorities--government investments.  Yet, in the past ten years, I have learned the essence of energy conservation.  No. Not nuclear power, oil, coal, solar power.  I speak of none.  My personal energy.  My life is ruled by a single policy personal energy conservation.  I must not take on advocacy for issues outside of my passion--issues outside of my understanding--issues beyond my individual needs.  I consider myself to be concerned about social justice issues.  Yet, I invest my personal energies in trusting other more effective--more passionate--advocates, who have the knowledge requisite for success.
    May we adopt the policy of personal energy conservation to lessen the rhetoric, increase civility, and improve the quality of decision-making with regard to such vital issues.  If we do not do so, we deserve the quality of decisions that are made, and the tenor that precedes it.  I, for one, do not think we can afford such lavish use of our precious resources.

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