Word Verification...Accessibility...

Spamming necessitates the temporary use of "captchas," which are more commonly known as "word verification." The childhood act of spamming leads me to take this action temporarily.

I am well aware, and saddened by the fact, that while captchas filter out--thwart--spammers, they also make the act of making comments impossible for individuals who use screen readers.

Be assured, I am working to rectify that situation.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

What Will Independence Include?

     What will independence include?
     This has been a lifelong question that I have rushed in to answer before anyone else dared to define it--to deny its possibility.  Age has called me to question my irrefutable, infallible lifetime's answers.  Defiance was my youth's inseparable companion.  Age severed friendship.  The strain was too costly.
     My child took on faith my mother's inheritance to me.  You will live independently.
     Though neither of us knew the details, we accepted on faith that her commandment could be--would be--followed.  Her inheritance to me was that commandment.  Her inheritance to me was defiance--a commitment to defiance.  She defied doctors' doubts of my life's capabilities.  She defied educators' questions of my mentality.  She defied all doubters of my life's potential.  She would hear nothing of doubts, or questions.
    She committed herself beyond defiance.  She committed herself to action.  Unsupported defiance was hollow.  It still is.
    To doctors, she used knowledge of her two older children to call on her advocate's spirit.  She demanded diagnosis, when no need for such diagnosis was recognized.
     To educators, she committed herself to identify needed services. To counselors, she refused doubts.  She committed her time, her energy--her determination--for her commandment's adherence. She committed her strength to fortify her mantras.
     To me, she instilled the mantra. You will go to college.  I responded.  Passion about world events.  Pursuit of an undergraduate degree.  Graduation resulting from my pursuits.  Not a star student by a grade's measure of my mind.  But, graduation nonetheless. An inquisitive mind was nurtured.  In defiance of all expectations--mine included--I pursued graduate-level education.  I was granted graduation as a master.
     Not a boasting.  No.  Defiance.  Faithfulness.
     Mom, I bet you never thought I would take you so seriously.
     Family pride.  Friends' celebration.
     You will learn to live independently.
     I had no idea of its details.  Yet, I adhered.  On faith, I adhered to this commandment.  I adhered to this commandment.  For 24 years, I adhered.
    Then....then....a life's body of work died at the hands of a desperate body--a ravaged body demanding healing.  Mom and I are called to question her commandment--her mantra.  It worked for a lifetime.  Not without its serious imperfections.  But, it worked, nonetheless.
    Now what?
    What will independence include?

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