Word Verification...Accessibility...

Spamming necessitates the temporary use of "captchas," which are more commonly known as "word verification." The childhood act of spamming leads me to take this action temporarily.

I am well aware, and saddened by the fact, that while captchas filter out--thwart--spammers, they also make the act of making comments impossible for individuals who use screen readers.

Be assured, I am working to rectify that situation.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Zoomer Chronicles: Leaving Home

     Zoomer is having problems leaving home.  I remember having problems leaving home as a child....going to camp....college....embarrassing to admit.  St. Paul was a half a world away from Golden Valley after all....well, OK, so maybe just half an hour by car.
    Zoomer is OK once she gets out of the door, but, it is getting out of the door that is proving challenging--leaving home.
    Hmmm....So, how can I pull her out of her shell, and have the door close behind her, so she will not chicken out and wheel back inside?  Hmmm....
    Aha! I've got it! This should do the trick.  An elastic therapy band secured by a fabric "door anchor."  Let's try....Buckle up, Patty, its the law.  OK. Cell phone in my purse for safety.  Bright orange flag topping Zoomer for safety.
     Ready?  OK. Tie the elastic band with two knots.  Put one small knot behind the door anchor.  Put the fabric door anchor around the doorknob. Tie the other end of the elastic band into a knotleaving a much bigger opening to insert my right hand loosely.
     OK.  Ready.  Set.  Go.  It works!
     Or, so it did for several weeks:)  Yesterday, the Yellow-Banded Bully took Zoomer and me for a ride.  He snapped on us.  I was not hurt.
      I really AM careful.  I swear, I am.  The Bully wouldn't DARE hurt me.
      But, the Yellow-Banded Bully DID get herself stuck arm-in-arm with Zoomer.  I have yet to determine whether it was just an accident, or whether it was a premeditated act of the Yellow-Banded Bully.  He may be a bully but, he will not Bully me.
     I'll show him.  You thought you were the only show in town?  Well, you've got another thing coming, let me tell you, Yellow-Banded Bully.  I have here Orange-Banded Butler fully dressed with the same door anchor.  But, my Orange-Banded Butler will serve me differently.  He will stand--or hang--at attention on the doorknob.  He will await the reach of the Ready Reacher to close the door behind Zoomer.
     The Orange-Banded Butler, and Ready Reacher will not let Zoomer, and me chicken out.  The Butler, and the Reacher are banded together ready to see that Zoomer and me dare the streets.
      Now that we are leaving home, where shall we go?  What shall we do?

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