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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

International Atomic Energy Agency

     Fifty individuals in Japan are working to ensure that one of the nuclear reactors is contained.  At least, that is my understanding.  Tonight, a commentator familiar with nuclear power issues, which I am not, asked where the International Atomic Energy Association was in managing this situation--this dire problem.
     My question is different.  If you are familiar with my thinking, that is of no surprise:)  Yet, what is my question.
     Who makes up the International Atomic Energy Association?  When was the IAEA created?  Where is it headquartered?
    There are 151 member nations that comprise the IAEA.  It was created in 1957.  It is headquartered in Vienna, Austria.  The organization is guided by a 35-member nation Board of Governors.  The Board of Governors include countries from each occupied continent.
     Proceeding alphabetically, the member nations from Asia from 2010-2011 are: Ajerbijan, China, India, Japan, South Korea, Mongolia, Pakistan, the Russian Federation, and Singapore.
     Australia is serving on the Board of Governors currently.  It has been a member of the IAEA since its founding in 1957.     
     For the 2010-2011 period, the European Board of Governors members are:   Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.  
     Finally, Canada, and the United States are serving on the Board of Governors.  Both Canada and the United States were founding members of the IAEA.
      This may seem to be boring information.  It may not be exciting.  But, it is essential if we are to have anywhere approaching a full understanding of world affairs, and global relationships.
     My sense has been to think that the IAEA was one monolith, rather than a global consortium.
     Of concern should be the status of North Korea.  Although it was one of the founding members in 1957, North Korea withdrew its membership in the IAEA in 1994.  It is highly unlikely that under the current leadership in North Korea, that their view toward toward the IAEA will change.  Yet, when Kim Jong-il is no longer in power, will his successor take a different stance?  When a successor comes to governance, then working toward that goal seems worthy of consideration.
     It is worthy of note that Libya, Bahrain, the Ivory Coast, and Saudi Arabia are all members of the IAEA.  There is 
Similarly, both India and Pakistan are members of the IAEA.  These two countries have vast differences in their relations with one another.  Yet, those differences have not prevented them from joining forces with the IAEA.
     The price of not being aware of the other countries in our world is steep.  Afghanistan, Egypt, lran, Iraq, Libya, and Tunisia are examples of a lack of understanding the nuances of the countries--their people, ideologies, and cultures.  
     In addition to being aware of the International Atomic Energy Agency, there are other consortia worthy of our understanding.  I will explore them in future postings.  My aim is to identify what countries are members of multiple world partnerships, so as to understand how world peace may be furthered in our time.

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