I am not a fan of any of these words. Corruption of words. These four phrases are not political statements of my beliefs. Not at all.
Abbreviation of words. Corruption of language.
I value health care. I am not opposed to Obama's health care programs. "Obamacare" obliterates the reasons--the objections--people who use the phrase have. Romney-care is nothing more than a knee-jerk reaction--an attention-getting word created specifically to express objection.
Obstruction of justice. Obamacare. No, I don't mean "Obamacare" program is an obstruction of justice. Obstruction of justice? The term "Obamacare" obstructs the ability to revisit areas, which may be problematic in the execution of the statutes. If Senators, and/or Representatives want to propose any provisions to correct unintended consequences of the program, their efforts are hindered by the emotionally-explosive term, "Obamacare." O falls into the same pitfalls as does "Obamacare."
Abbreviation of language. Corruption of words.
"Ronnie Ree' gun." My elders have referred to President Ronald Reagan as, "Ronnie Ree' gun." Contrary to the pronunciation the President preferred during his political career, "Ronald Ray' gun." My sense is that he may have used the previous pronunciation during his movie career. If that is true, that does not forgive a "Ronnie Ree' gun." moniker being ascribed. Those who know me know that I am not a Ronald Reagan-apologist. I abhor name-calling.
I do not feel particularly effective in affirming my convictions. I pray my convictions will be heard without full benefit of my clearly-expressed thoughts and words.
Abbreviation of words. Corruption of language.
Pro-life. Pro-abortion. Pro-choice. Anti-choice.
Abbreviation of words. Corruption of language.
I intend no discussion of the issue of abortion. Many people on both sides of the issue are far better advocates than I could ever be, or aspire, if I were so inclined.
Life. Abortion. Choice. Respect.
Broad scope. Vast intent.
I treasure life. Abortion has never visited my door. I cannot speak from experience, or invest my precious energies in fighting for or against an issue with which I have no experience. My life has given me a well-spring of experience to which I feel called to advocate. I revere life. I value choice. I have made many choices, which are at the core of my past, current, and future life. I have deep respect for each human being I have met, know, love, and will never know.
Yet, I cannot distill my beliefs, simplify my convictions into nicknames, and slogans. My convictions exceed the tight spaces afforded by abbreviated language. My beliefs deserve more deliberation than nicknames, and abbreviated language afford.
Whatever the word, the language, or cause may be, may we abide by the treasure of life, the chalice from which our choice is poured, and the revere what respect deserves. This is my prayer.
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