Word Verification...Accessibility...

Spamming necessitates the temporary use of "captchas," which are more commonly known as "word verification." The childhood act of spamming leads me to take this action temporarily.

I am well aware, and saddened by the fact, that while captchas filter out--thwart--spammers, they also make the act of making comments impossible for individuals who use screen readers.

Be assured, I am working to rectify that situation.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Zoomer Chronicles: Her Voice

     Zoomer is tired this evening, after an inspiring day.  Zoomer was fitted with a small camera on her armrest--on Lily the Lefty.  I was dressed with a small microphone.  Off we went.  Strange as it may sound, we encountered no incidents of being cut in front of, or the like.  Odd to wish for that to happen, yet, I wanted to provide the visual evidence to reinforce my point.
     The KSTP-TV producer, and cameraman did not doubt what I was saying was true.  However, all of us wanted to get some tangible evidence.  Perverse.  Truly perverse.
     Zoomer and I worried that I would be so nervous that I would forget what I wanted to say--what perspective we wanted to share.  We worried that information essential to wheelchair safety in traffic would be lost to nerves--that my information would be the victim of my jangled nerves.  As the sleepless hours dragged on, my worries intensified. [Intimate frieinds though we are, Zoomer sleeps in the living room, not in my bed.] Fixation on the route to follow finally succumb to unconsciousness shortly after 3:18 A.M.
      Zoomer and I took a last minute tour this morning.
     What route were we going to follow?  Would it work?
     Would there be some--enough--examples of me being cut in front of to reinforce my concerns?  Would I provide material worthy of their time and effort to tour downtown?
     What if nothing happens?  Are they going to be upset that I wasted their time?  Would they think that I blew the incidents out of proportion?
     Those were my early morning questions--my obsessions.
     Well...nothing happened--no incidents occurred during our tour. 
      So, nothing happened--no incidents.  Now what?
     Will they say, "Well, I am sorry.  We can't devote any more of our resources to this story.  Maybe if something had happened that we could photograph, we would be able to do a story.  Good to have met you.  Have a nice day."
     But...such was not the case.
     "Mike, I have run out of film.  What would you like to do?  Should we come back another day?....Do you want to do an interview?" the cameraman asked.
     "...What does your schedule look like?...I've got your email and number.  Mine is on my emails," the producer said.
      So, my questions were answered.  I guess we did OK.
     Zoomer and I conducted the tour, and narrated it splendidly.  Maybe there was too much narration on my part.  I am a novice to television interviews.
    Splendid.  Just splendid.


  1. Fascinating. How did you get a news team to do this story? And please let us know what comes of it--not just in the media but as you continue your challenged drives in Zoomer around St Paul.

  2. After three incidents of being cut in front of during a two-week period in August, I became incensed/motivated/driven:) Something had to change. I could not stay inside out of fear. So, some friends and family suggested contacting the media. I sent emails to the four local tv stations. Several weeks went by before I heard anything. A producer from KSTP emailed me, and we went from there. I am enjoying these opportunities to speak out.
