This morning, I ventured out to review problematic intersections and issues in Downtown St. Paul. The adventure heightens my attention to several facts.
After having three drivers cut in front of me in controlled intersections--in a period of two weeks--it seemed I needed to draw attention to the overlooked safety issues. I want to be prepared for the yet-to-be scheduled time with a television producer to highlight--to focus, literally--attention on public safety issues.
Several personal facts have come to light in recent days. While I do what I can to highlight public safety issues for others, I need to combat internal issues.
First, I have retreated from a healthy pace of travelling within the downtown area.
Second, timidity and fear replaced determination and confidence--not riskiness, but confidence.
Cooler weather intensifies my concern that I will be isolated by poorly-shoveled sidewalks, and ice. I need to back up. This will be my first winter with Zoomer. Questions abound.
What are Zoomer's intended capacities in the outside during wintertime? Am I realistic to expect that I might have some outside travel capacities during the winter? What will my limitations be? What accommodations are open to me? Are there additional safety precautions that might improve, or extend my capacity to travel outside during the Minnesota winter months?
I know that I should not expose Zoomer to rainy weather. I know that I should not expect to navigate ice.
I know that Zoomer can--will be able to--navigate the skyway system during winter months. [The skyway system is a Godsend. The system of enclosed walkways between downtown buildings--walkways located on the second floors of buildings--do wonders in curbing a paralyzing isolation that would occur otherwise.]
As wonderful as skyways are, it is extremely important to get outside--to be exposed to the sun--to all elements of the out of doors. Oddly, prior to Zoomer, having to be outside was not an issue, or priority for me. I took for granted my capacity to get outside and be outside.
Interesting what it takes to challenge one's values, and priorities. Coming days and months will clarify what, if any realignment of values, and priorities occurs.
I will reflect on our fast-paced, deadline-driven world. As a Universalist, I learned that there is good to be found in all faith traditions. As a practicing Catholic, prayerful, reflective individuals inspire me. My prayer is simple. May we live each day in awe--in wondrous awe.
Word Verification...Accessibility...
Spamming necessitates the temporary use of "captchas," which are more commonly known as "word verification." The childhood act of spamming leads me to take this action temporarily.
I am well aware, and saddened by the fact, that while captchas filter out--thwart--spammers, they also make the act of making comments impossible for individuals who use screen readers.
Be assured, I am working to rectify that situation.
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