Word Verification...Accessibility...

Spamming necessitates the temporary use of "captchas," which are more commonly known as "word verification." The childhood act of spamming leads me to take this action temporarily.

I am well aware, and saddened by the fact, that while captchas filter out--thwart--spammers, they also make the act of making comments impossible for individuals who use screen readers.

Be assured, I am working to rectify that situation.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Indoor/Outdoor Living

     Contrary to years gone by, I have no desire--absolutely none--to be inside.  Mind you, I seek no suntan.  I am too fair of face to have that aspiration.  I am born of Norwegian stalk.  Need I say more?  No.  I have lived from the inside looking out.  Now, I yearn to live beyond the window's shade--beyond the door's lock.  I have the wheels.   I have the time.
    Am I nothing more than a fair weather friend of nature?  I am a Minnesotan.  Need I say more?
    No, seriously.  Were I told, "You may have but one view of the world around you, the rest will be blinded to you," what would I choose.  Oh, that is easy.  I have no doubt.  A sugar maple in her full autumn glory--in fiery red.  A sugar maple in fiery red beneath a clear blue sky.  A sugar maple in her full autumn glory standing her ground on a brisk September day.  That would be my single landscape were I limited to one.
     Am I nothing more than a fair weather friend of nature?  I am a Minnesotan.  Need I say more?
     No, seriously.  Wintertime.  My heart melts at the sight of big snowflakes lacing tree branches.
     Am I nothing more than a fair weather friend of nature?  I am a Minnesotan.  Need I say more?
     No, seriously. Springtime.  Born an April's Fool,  the smell of fresh lilac.  Ah, the smell of fresh lilac.  A child born in Golden Valley nary a mile from Lilac Drive.  Hedges of lilacs breeze through my lifetime's senses.
     Wintertime ice. I slip. Wintertime snow drifts.  I fall.  Cold I may dress for.  Yet, ice and snow drifts steal my balance--inner and outer.  Ice and snow drifts steal my balance. From ice and snow--from Cabin Fever I ail.
     Am I nothing more than a fair weather friend of nature?  I am a Minnesotan.  Need I say more?
     Minnesota.  Wait five minutes, the weather will change.  A sugar maple in her full autumn glory--fiery red.  Giant snowflakes lacing tree branches.  Green pine trees laden with a fresh white coat.  Fresh lilac breezing through my lifetime's senses. 68 degrees.  No humidity.  No mosquitoes. Humidity.  Rain showers.  The 90s.  Green skies.  Thunder.  Lightning.  Tornadoes.
     Am I nothing more than a fair weather's friend?  I am a Minnesotan.  Need I say more?

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