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Friday, February 11, 2011

We and the Army are One

     Astonishing.  Absolutely astonishing.  Absolutely Amazing.
     Is it possible for me--for other Americans to understand the liberation that Egyptian protesters must be feeling as they passionately protested for peaceful freedom---of speech, of assembly.
     On so many levels, the decision of Hosni Mubarak to resign is astonishing.  No.  The allies in the movement to bring democracy to Egypt challenges every sense of the military that I have had--a 50-year-old American, who witnessed the view of US military in Vietnam.  Most poignantly, America's voices for Vietnam's peace marched at Kent State University in Ohio.  On May 4, 1970, some of those protesters clashed with the military.  Several students lost their lives in confrontation with the National Guard.
   The Egyptians protesting for Mubarak's resignation responded to his resignation today with five words:
    We and the Army are One.
    May the military be a voice for peace?  The military gave a sign of their answer.  During Friday's morning of prayer, the Egyptian protesters assembled to demand that Mubarak go.  The Military, for their part in the chorus for change, turned their turrets from Peace's Protesters.
     May the military be this moment's voice for Egypt.

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