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Friday, February 11, 2011

Islam's Friday

     God Be Our Help.  Peace Be With You.
     Egypt's leader of the military uttered these eight words in his closing conveyance of the military's control.
     Though this be an English translation of the Egyptian language spoken by the head of the military, these words are moving--affirming.  The head of the military affirms Egypt's security blanket of control following these precarious moments following Mubarak's resignation.
     The temptation we have in America is to speak of the repression under which Egyptians have during Mubarak's 30-year autocracy.  We pride ourselves in nearly 245 years of democracy--in our declaration of independence.  America's democracy--Egypt's repression--are truths to be honored.
     Yet, America has much to learn from Egypt.
     In America, we broadcast the First Amendment's blessing of freedom of religion, which is conferred upon us. Seemingly, freedom of religion is at odds--is to be sublimated--to the freedoms of speech, of the press, of assembly, and to petition the Government for redress of grievances.  A political officeholder may not exercise political power guided by their life of faith.  An apology for faith is requisite for the exercise of politics' power.
    Yet, Egyptians--the military and the protesters alike, may teach us freedom's essence.
     Today, the head of the military affirmed the military's leadership.  In closing, he uttered eight instructive words to take to heart:
    God Be Our Help.  Peace Be With You.
     Too often, the military AND deeply-rooted faith are characterized as Beasts of Oppression.  Liberals are quick to embrace a repulsive smugness, "Don't you dare let your freedom of religion out of Pandora's Box."
Conservatives become strident advocates of inaction's mask of order.  There is a middle ground on which to stand firm.  Let us look to Egypt.  Let us look to Islam.  Not at the surrender of Christian faith, of Hebrew tradition, of other world beliefs--of other world philosophies.
     Today--Friday--is Islam's day of prayer.
     The revolution of Egypt's protesters is built upon, not framed within Islam's Friday morning of prayer.  No strident dogma rules this revolution.  The depth of Egypt's uprising is inspiring.  Guides of Egypt's uprising signal the locus of Egypt's freedom.  Only in God's time, may we know the future of today's events--of this month's movement.
     Are we witnesses to seismic change? Or will we suffer from the aftershocks of long-time suppression?
     Let us look to Egypt.  Let us look to Islam.  In this moment's history, let Egypt be our Guide.
     Islam's Friday is Hebrew's Saturday.
     I pray.
     May Christianity's Sunday be guided by the holy spirit of Islam's Friday, and Hebrew's Saturday.

1 comment:

  1. Patty, I LOVE this blog!

    Thank you for your insights. They are profound and capture this moment of us watching and learning from the Egyptian people--and military.
