Word Verification...Accessibility...

Spamming necessitates the temporary use of "captchas," which are more commonly known as "word verification." The childhood act of spamming leads me to take this action temporarily.

I am well aware, and saddened by the fact, that while captchas filter out--thwart--spammers, they also make the act of making comments impossible for individuals who use screen readers.

Be assured, I am working to rectify that situation.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Intentional Failings. Human Potential.

     Be it Mom's "focus on the positive, and ignore on the negative" mantra, strengthened by my necessary modification of that mantra, "focus on the positive and learn from the negative," not since my junior high school cry, "Mom, don't you know I can't do that!" have I allowed myself to itemize "the negative" and use that low "bank [of capabilities] balance" deter me from investing my life in what I could do.  In fact, many times, truth be told, use of "the negative" as a justification for not acting or doing a given task leads me to cry out in opposition.
     The Boston Marathon Bombings suspect has led me to revisit my mantra, "Focus on the positive and learn from the negative."
     We have not heard from the the Boston Marathon bombings suspect regarding his motivations and intent.    I have not addressed--I cannot--my questions, or feelings with him.  Only in prayers seeking understanding have I done so.
     I believe he might describe some failing in his upbringing that led him to his actions.  Failings in his perceptions of given aspects of his upbringing.  Economic situation.  Family dynamic.  Social interactions in the community.  Experiences and influences of formative years--of current worldview, have overridden any belief in his power to learn from his experiences and influences, and dedicate himself to others not experiencing the same situation.
     Two caveats.  First, the actions--the intents--of the individuals or groups credited with causing the negative experiences and influences must be separated from the individuals or groups credited so credited.
    Second, condemning other human beings for any action overlooks a fundamental reality.  We are all human beings created with enduring frailty.  As hard as we may try, we cannot escape the fact we fail our potential.
    Our enduring human frailty is not an excuse, or a justification for acting with intentional failing--from intentional failings.  Intentional failings that rise to the threshold of criminality must be treated as such.
     We must strive to achieve to our human potential--forever and in all ways.  Failing to do so is the ultimate intentional failing we may commit with our lives.

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