Word Verification...Accessibility...

Spamming necessitates the temporary use of "captchas," which are more commonly known as "word verification." The childhood act of spamming leads me to take this action temporarily.

I am well aware, and saddened by the fact, that while captchas filter out--thwart--spammers, they also make the act of making comments impossible for individuals who use screen readers.

Be assured, I am working to rectify that situation.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Family Crossfires

     My family is close.  Reconciled to inevitable differences present within any family.  Reconciled.  At peace.  Not seething silently.  We are blessed.  Some families are not so blessed.
     Christmas.  Christmas cards.  Childhood neighbors and friends remain close.  Some closer to me.
     Though not closest to me, two women are on my "must send" list, nonetheless.  One is blinded by sight.  The other?  Her mother--her housemate.
     The first woman is blinded by sight.  Yet, far beyond any physical manifestation of blindness, her mind has been blinded--blinded by her own volition-- to what might be possible if she believed.  No one forced it upon her.  By unbelief--by ultimate inaction--she has taken the strongest action.
     She is tragic of her own making.   More tragic is the blind ensnarement of her mother.  Imposed Catholic guilt is a joke most times funny.  This is no joke.  This is not funny.
     Born in a generation when etiquette, propriety, manners, and grace were virtues, the mother instilled these in her children.  Or, so she tried.  Through no fault of her own, Catholic guilt is being imposed on her by her daughter.  Though not privy to their conversations, there is no doubt.
     I need you.  Don't leave me alone in my blindness.  Literally.  Since my blindness imprisons me in this house, you cannot leave the house either.  Don't leave me alone.  If you dare, you will live to regret it.  I will take irrevocable action that you will live to regret.
     The mother's golden years are being held hostage.  The daughter's potential choked.  A travesty.  Imposed.  A travesty.  Self-imposed.  A travesty.
     What may I do?  Virtuous I am not.  I cannot violate the virtues instilled by my own mother.  So what can I do?
     A simple Christmas card.  Supporting UNICEF--supporting the belief of what is possible in each child's life, if we unite.  A simple Christmas card addressed to both mother and daughter.
     Merry Christmas.

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