Word Verification...Accessibility...

Spamming necessitates the temporary use of "captchas," which are more commonly known as "word verification." The childhood act of spamming leads me to take this action temporarily.

I am well aware, and saddened by the fact, that while captchas filter out--thwart--spammers, they also make the act of making comments impossible for individuals who use screen readers.

Be assured, I am working to rectify that situation.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Safe Communication--Communicating Safety

     Today, communicating personal safety via a safe vehicle came to my consciousness.  How?  By what vehicles?
     Several factors motivate my desire to communicate personal safety.  A lifelong history of seizures.  Being single.  A desire to leave "breadcrumbs" as to my general whereabouts--my general well-being.
     Voicemail.  Audible breadcrumbs are the humorous voicemail messages that I leave conveying my whereabouts.
     Facebook?  I have been very slow to understand how I want to use Facebook in my life.  No technology is inherently evil, as is sometimes implied.  That is a copout.  It is the use of the technology, or application that determines the value of the application.
    Facebook.  I was introduced by a younger relative, someone in his 20s.  I am 51.  I was motivated to learn about Facebook as a means of communicating better with my relative.  So, I observed on the sidelines.  I was reticent to engage in the technological party line of the 21st century.
    Voicemail.  Facebook.  Breadcrumbs.  I have changed.  My understanding of human interaction has changed dramatically since 2009.  I was familiar with communicating in the workplace..with my family...with my friends...with my faith community...Zoomer.
    My e-mail system was unavailable temporarily tonight.  Twenty years ago that would have been inconceivable.  Funny how just a few years can make some vehicle of communication indispensable.  Loss of Internet access is worse yet.  Funny.  Yet, true.
Yes, in moderation, Facebook.  I am aware of my generational distinction with my younger relatives in relation to Facebook.
    In 2009 and 2010, the Internet, and e-mail became a critical connection to the outside world.  Now, Zoomer has mitigated some of the isolation that made the Internet, and e-mail such a vital connection in my life.  Now, as Zoomer and I explore our environs, and get to know one another, sharing that story electronically has expanded my understanding fundamentally.
    How we live--how we feel about our lives--is a choice.  Giving up on our lives is inexcusable.  Feigning weakness is nothing more than an unwillingness to make a positive commitment to our lives.  Facebook, and, I guess blogs are different ways to explore--to share--that commitment.
    In the workplace, trying to navigate challenges, my default behavior was to exude optimism, in hopes of generating it in other people.  I continue in that mode today.  It is selfish.  Optimism returned is a source of enormous strength.
   I try to use voicemail, email, and Facebook for two purposes--communicate my own safety, and share
my convictions regarding optimism via my experiences with Zoomer.  Truth be told, I don't know where Zoomer and I are headed.  No, I have a street atlas.  It is summer in Minnesota, or so they say.  Winter in Minnesota lasts forever.  Summer is a fleeting moment in time.  Winter, snow, and ice will come.  How far will Zoomer and I be able to travel?  Regardless of weather, how far may Zoomer and I travel?  Both questions--the fears regarding answers to those questions are in the back of my mind.  Yet, I must focus on today--on today's adventures--to mitigate my fears.  I must choose to commit myself to today's adventures.  If I choose not to commit myself, then, I have no one to blame, but myself, for being unfulfilled.

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